""It’s great to see how our children work in class so we can keep teaching consistently at home.""
Year 3 parent attending Maths workshop

Faith Ambassadors

The Faith Ambassadors at St Anthony’s are a vibrant and diverse team of enthusiastic children who apply to become part of the team.  Each Faith Ambassador has different talents to offer the school community.  They meet most weeks to review and plan future actions. 

Some of the jobs of the Faith Ambassadors include:

Representing the school at the diocesan start of term mass.

Both leading classes and assisting with prayer and meditation sessions. The Faith Ambassadors suggest themes for these, for example, celebrating Fair Trade, the Feast of the St Anthony or Pentecost.

Assisting in class-based assemblies.

Assisting in school masses and celebrations.

Leading prayer groups in the church, helping children deepen their faith with God, through child led prayer.

Being part of a welcoming team who make cards to give to new families entering our school or parish family.

Leading the school in charity work.

Talking to others about their faith.

Faith Ambassadors meet at lunchtimes with Miss Crosbie and Miss Baron.