""The general feeling of the school was lovely. It feels calm and content. All displays were well maintained.""
Teacher, visiting from a Multi Academy Trust

Eco Warriors

As a Rights Respecting school we believe that the children have the right to work, play and learn in a clean environment, directly linking to Article 24: Every child has the right to a clean environment so that children can stay healthy. This is why we encourage the children to take responsibility for looking after their environment.


Our school has won the bronze and silver Eco Schools awards. To do this we have had to be environmentally friendly. One very simple way we do this is to switch off the lights when the whole class leave the room. The Eco Warriors check the classrooms at break and lunch to make sure that the lights are switched off. We also have monitors to make sure that all computers are shut down and switched off at the end of the day.

In our first year we reduced our electricity usage by 45%! We use kitchen caddy bins around the school so that we can compost our food waste. Most of our taps in school are push operated so that they switch off and don’t get left on. This saves water. Every class, staff room and our school office have a recycling box. We bring in old mobile phones and printer ink cartridges. These get sent off to be recycled, which is great for the environment and fantastic for our school because we get money for them.

Our school also helps the environment by participating in:

  • Walk to School Week;
  • Bike It assemblies and group workshops;
  • Planting our own fruit and vegetables, which we use in our cookery room;
  • Creating habitats for wildlife e.g. a pond;
  • Taking part in Climate Week every year.

We have an Eco Warrior committee, who are representatives of their class, as well as plenty of other volunteer Eco Warrior monitors that help to carry out jobs throughout the year