""The general feeling of the school was lovely. It feels calm and content. All displays were well maintained.""
Teacher, visiting from a Multi Academy Trust

Pupil Achievements and Awards

Stars of the Week Award


Each week we celebrate the success of our children in every year group by presenting them with the star of the week award.  Teachers from Reception to Year 6 select children to be the star of the week for many different reasons; good behaviour; an excellent piece of work; understanding something tricky; kindness and lots more.

Let take a look and see who has amazed us this week.....

Bookworm Award

A love of reading is the greatest gift we can give our children.

Help your child to develop a lifelong love of learning by encouraging them to enjoy books at every opportunity.

They can start to build up their own library of books through gifts at Christmas and Birthdays, scouring local second hand book and charity shops - boot sales are also a brilliant way of choosing and collecting books together. Plus, of course, the local library is a great source of books at no cost at all. At St. Anthony’s we do, of course, regularly send home reading books for your child to read aloud to an adult – we also encourage them to enjoy their class book corners and visit our library.

We want all our children to be ‘bookworms’.

Help them to win our Bookworm Awards by reminding them to write the title of each book they read in the space provided inside the covers of their yellow reading records. Please remember to sign or initial each book title – and also remember the titles listed are not just their ‘official’ reading books. It can be any book from their personal library, the local library, or our library at school.

For further information regarding our Bookworm Award please see our parent guide below

Parents Guide - Bookworm Award