""The general feeling of the school was lovely. It feels calm and content. All displays were well maintained.""
Teacher, visiting from a Multi Academy Trust


Directors are appointed by the Bishop of Northampton and are all practising Catholics.
Martin Brennan
Jerzy (George) Brzyski

George has worked at senior level in international companies. Set up and ran a company in Poland. 

Vincent Cheshire

Retired accountant. Longstanding primary governor in Dunstable.

Claire Collins

Emerita Professor of Leadership, Henley Business School, University of Reading.   Executive Coach, Educator, Diversity and Inclusion expert, and Consultant in leadership and change initiatives.  

Catherine Davies

Catherine served as the Chair of the St Alban Catholic Academies Trust and has extensive experience in business.

Maria Harty

Former Primary Chair of Governors and Chair of the Buckinghamshire Catholic Schools Partnership.

Jim Horsted

Significant experience and expertise in Human Resources over long career, and experience as a primary governor.

Fr Kevin O’Driscoll

Longstanding Governor of Catholic Schools and MAT Director, Parish Priest at Holy Family (Slough), Dean.

Declarations of business interests will be posted below and updated below as the appointment of Directors are confirmed over the course of the academic year.
Name Date of appointment Roles Attendance - Board 2023/24 Attendance
Finance and Audit & Risk 2023/24
Curriculum & Outcomes  2023/24
Mrs Catherine Davies 01/06/2016 Chair 6 of 6 7 of 7 3 of 3
Prof Claire Collins1 01/02/2020 C&O Chair 6 of 6 3 of 7 2 of 3
Mr George Brzyski2 01/02/2020 Vice Chair 6 of 6 7 of 7 n/a
Mr James Horsted2 01/02/2020 Finance Chair 6 of 6 7 of 7 n/a
Fr Kevin O'Driscoll 01/02/2020   1 of 6 1 of 7 n/a
Mrs Maria Harty1 01/05/2021   6 of 6 3 of 7 3 of 3
Mrs Maria Hindmarsh1 01/02/2020 (Resigned 31/01/2024)   2 of 3 2 of 3 1 of 1 
Mr Vincent Cheshire2 01/06/2019 Audit & Risk Chair 6 of 6 6 of 7 n/a
1 Member of Curriculum and Outcomes Committee
2 Member of Finance Committee and Audit & Risk Committee
Name Interests Declared Other Governor positions
Mrs Catherine Davies None None
Prof Claire Collins None None
Mr George Brzyski GL Education Ltd, NFER Governor at Holy Family Catholic School, Langley
Mr James Horsted None Chair of Governors - Lady Zia Wernher School, Luton
Fr Kevin O'Driscoll None None
Mrs Maria Harty Husband is an Ofsted Inspector None
Mr Vincent Cheshire None None
Mrs Maria Hindmarsh None None



Name Date of appointment Term of Office Appointed by
Joe Richardson 01/09/2015 n/a Bishop of Northampton

Company Secretary and Clerk to the Board:  Mrs Maxine Gilmartin

To obtain a copy of Board minutes, please contact Maxine Gilmartin (mgilmartin@stcat.co.uk).